Linux is an Operating System, that isn't that commonly used for desktop machines, but is one of the most commonly used OSs for servers. It's 100 % free, so you won't have to pay any license charges as part of your web hosting payments. Linux is also thought to be the most reliable Operating System these days and because of the permissions that files have along with the file types that can be run, virus files that can easily infect a standard computer system shall simply not be executed on a Linux-based server. Also, the OS is freeware, so it could be modified without any restrictions, as a way to meet the needs of the web hosting provider and their clients. This also implies that unnecessary software packages could be removed to make the OS lighter and much faster, which could directly result in significantly better server performance. Lots of Linux machines have the Apache web server set up on them, because this piece of software is also absolutely free, fast and secure. It's the most widely used web server around and is part of the LAMP bundle that numerous script apps, like WordPress and Joomla, require. LAMP is an abbreviation for Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP.

Stable Linux with Apache in Semi-dedicated Servers

Our semi-dedicated server accounts are created on a cutting-edge custom made platform. An individual group of servers looks after each service - databases, emails, files, and so on., and considering that we highly appreciate the pros of a customizable, risk-free and stable OS, all the web servers that comprise the clusters run Linux. The Operating system allows us to make the needed modifications, not to mention the improved speed, for the reason that just one type of process runs on the web server, in contrast to the traditional hosting platform provided by most companies in which everything runs on one hosting server. In addition, we use the Apache web server too. We have analyzed its capabilities over the years, so we have confirmed that it will give us as a provider and you as a client the required speed and versatility for the best achievable web site performance.