The monthly website traffic feature is usually identified as data transfer or bandwidth as well, but all of the aforementioned terms apply to the very same thing - what amount of information can be transferred to and from a shared hosting account. The website traffic can be produced in two ways, the more visible one being web site visits. If someone loads your web site, their web browser requests and downloads the webpages from the hosting server and then shows them on their end. The more website visitors you have, the more outgoing traffic is produced from your web hosting account. Due to the fact that this feature contains the entire website traffic, not only the site visits, you shouldn't forget that inward traffic is measured as well. Which means that web site content as well as other files that you upload to the account through a file manager or an FTP program are measured towards your account allowance. Your transfer is generally checked monthly and the counter resets on the first day of each month irrespective of your actual registration date.

Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Servers

The monthly traffic feature of our Linux semi-dedicated hosting service is limitless, or as a number of companies define it, unmetered. In fact, we monitor the volume of uploaded and downloaded content for each and every account, still we won't set any limit, so your websites can grow and get more website visitors. We supply you with detailed information what's going on in your account to allow you to handle your web sites more effectively and to have an idea how they function. You'll be able to see the traffic produced by each and every site plus the most frequently downloaded web page or file. The results are monthly, daily and hourly. In the constantly-developing online world, you can receive many new visitors with just a single marketing campaign, therefore by supplying a really unlimited plan, we will guarantee that you will not lose potential customers because your account cannot handle the website traffic.

Monthly Traffic in VPS Servers

With every VPS server package that you can find here, we provide a different monthly site traffic allowance that will depend on how powerful the server is. Thus, we're able to keep the lower-end plans cheaper and provide you with the opportunity to pick the plan you really need in accordance with your budget and your resource requirements. Upgrading from one plan to another is very simple and will take only a couple of clicks in your VPS billing Control Panel, so that when you start to get more site visitors at some point and you need a higher site traffic allowance, you are able to switch to a better plan at any time. We'll inform you in case you reach 90% of your monthly quota, so you will have the required time either to update or to optimise your web sites, so as to lower the outbound website traffic. The VPS plans also feature a server administration panel where you can see how much site traffic has already been used for the present month and what amount is left until you get to the quota limit.

Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Servers

The monthly site traffic quota that is featured with our dedicated server packages will suit any kind of site regardless of its type. Your web apps can produce terabytes of website traffic, which warrants that your website visitors will never see any type of error message on your website a consequence of insufficient quota the way it could happen with various other kinds of hosting. Also, we leave the option to upgrade your site traffic amount open, however it's highly unlikely that you will ever need it even if you intend to manage a file sharing site or a video streaming portal. The server management Control Panel offers you correct real-time info how much data has been transferred for the month so far, and how much is left until you get to the cap. We'll also notify you if you reach 90% of the allowance just to be on the safe side and prevent any downtime of your sites. The information in this panel includes the entire traffic, including software downloads, so that it is more precise than the one in your hosting Control Panel where you'll be able to view details only about the visitors generated by web content.