SRV, which is an abbreviation for Service, is a DNS record, which permits you to use a domain for a particular service different from an Internet site. By setting up a few SRV records, you can use the domain address with different companies and point it to a number of servers simultaneously, each and every server managing a different service. You are able to specify the port number for the connection to each machine, so there will not be any interference. You can even set different priorities and weight for two records which are employed for the exact same service, but direct to different servers for redundancy or load balancing. Using an SRV record you can use your domain or a subdomain under it for a Voice-Over-IP server, for example, and have the specific software running on a number of machines with different providers. Which one a customer of yours will use will depend on the priority and weight values that you have set.

SRV Records in Semi-dedicated Servers

Setting up a brand new SRV record for any domain address hosted within a semi-dedicated server account on our end is going to be very easy and will take no more than just a few mouse clicks through a user-friendly interface. Using the DNS management tool in your Hepsia hosting CP, you could make any record that you need and once you pick SRV as the type, several additional textboxes will appear on your screen. There, you'll have to type in the record value, the protocol, the service and the port number and you will be all set. Furthermore, in case the other company requires it, you are also going to be able to set the weight and priority values in case they have to be different from the standard value, which is 10. The range for those 2 options is from 1 to 100, so you will have a great deal of possibilities if you use many servers for a particular service. You could also outline how long the new SRV record will remain active if you erase it in the future by setting a TTL (Time To Live) value for it. By default, the TTL is 3600 seconds.