When you have a shared hosting account, the provider takes care of maintenances, updates and backups, but this is not the situation with virtual and dedicated servers. If you need an independent machine because a shared plan does not have enough system resources to support your web applications or you simply need particular custom software to be running on the hosting server and it is not present within the shared one, you may not have much choice about what sort of Internet hosting you can employ. While this might not be a problem in the event that you have experience, you may face issues in the event that you have never had a hosting server of your own. This is the main reason why we offer a Managed Services solution that you can add to your hosting server package whenever you want. It offers a number of things like weekly backups, Operating System updates and installation of third-party software, so you will not be required to spend time and efforts on this sort of matters.

Managed Services Package in VPS Servers

When you decide to sign up for one of our VPS servers package deals, you can add the Managed Services upgrade either throughout the order process or at any time later via your billing CP and renew it for so long as you need it along with the virtual private server monthly payments. In case this upgrade is active for your package deal, we shall keep weekly backups of all the content that you have on the hosting server, so in case anything goes wrong after some update, for example, we can restore the virtual private server they way it was. Our professionals will also keep close track of the server all the time and if an issue shows up, they'll resolve it or will restart the hosting server. The upgrade also includes 30 minutes of custom work, which is sufficient for most tasks - setting up and troubleshooting third-party app you want to use or that does not function adequately. Furthermore, we will also keep your Operating System up-to-date to make certain that your hosting server remains risk-free and stable always.

Managed Services Package in Dedicated Servers

The pack is available with all dedicated service we offer and if you want to take full advantage of all services it provides, you can add it with a click on the server order page or any time you need it from your billing CP. You could also decide if you'll employ this upgrade all the time since it can be renewed independently from the dedicated server plan. If you have vital info on the hosting server, we will back it up regularly as 50 Gigabytes of disk space on a separate machine will be at your disposal. Our administrators shall also keep track of the hosting server at all times, install the most recent updates for its OS and reboot it whenever this is required. Since the Managed Services pack features installation and troubleshooting too, they'll also help you with any third-party software and handle the installation for you. This will permit you to use our hosting server even if you aren't incredibly tech-savvy and you haven't used a server of your own before.