A live chat is among the ways of communication supplied by some web hosting suppliers as a part of their support services. Depending on the provider, the chat can be used for pre-sales, billing and/or technical support. This method of contact is quicker compared to a support ticket and it makes it much less likely to misspell or misunderstand anything in comparison to a telephone call with a representative. In addition, when the problem that you experience requires some time to be investigated and dealt with, you'll be able to do something else meanwhile instead of just waiting, as you'd have to do when you call. You can also use a live chat assistance service free of charge as long as you have world wide web access even if your hosting provider is based in another country and they don't have a local phone number that you can call.

Live Chat Support in Semi-dedicated Servers

We provide live chat support as part of our services, therefore when you have any kind of questions concerning our Linux semi-dedicated hosting service, you'll be able to talk with our customer support team anytime no matter if you have already obtained an account or not. In general, the chat service is for billing, pre-sales and common questions and problems, yet we can assist you with quite a lot of technical questions as well. We can help you select the proper package for your websites in case you do not have an account yet, we can answer any billing questions or issues you could have or we can help you with setting up your new e-mail address on your computer or smart phone - all this will be done quickly since our live chat service is online all the time, every single day. No matter when you want support, you can chat with a representative and save a long time.