Dropbox is a file storage platform, which has been gaining a lot in popularity nowadays as it enables you to access any content located on its hosting servers via any device provided that their application is set up. The data is synchronized between all devices, which means you can easily access it anytime. Dropbox does not offer web hosting services, so if you upload an html file it won't show up as a web page and won't be executed. This particular service is used only for storing information and we have taken advantage of the fact that they supply an API to third-party firms to create a backup service on our end, that you can use if you host your websites on our web servers. With this additional function you'll not need tobe worried about your content considering that you will always have a copy of your websites on the Dropbox servers and on your computer system in case that something happens - a script update failure, deleting files by accident, etcetera.

Dropbox Backups in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you obtain one of our Linux semi-dedicated hosting service, you'll be able to take full advantage of the Dropbox backup feature easily because linking the two accounts takes no more than a couple of mouse clicks in the Hepsia CP, which is used for the management of the semi-dedicated accounts. With respect to the total size of the content which you have on our end, the space quota of your Dropbox account and the data which you want to have, you'll be able to decide if your entire account shall be backed up or only specific Internet sites and databases. In addition, you can pick the amount of daily backups which will be kept inside your Dropbox account at any given time. The number ranges from three to fourteen and could be changed in either direction whenever you want. The Dropbox account could be eliminated from our system with a mouse click if you no longer want to use the service, although it comes very handy ifyou would like to get a copy of your files automatically on your laptop or computer aside from the full backups which we generate on a daily basis on our end.

Dropbox Backups in VPS Servers

The Dropbox service is available for all VPS web hosting service that are obtained with the Hepsia hosting CP. You could easily link the 2 accounts and our system will start producing copies of your content the same day. If you have sufficient space within your Dropbox account, you can have all the content material copied there each and every day with a maximum of fourteen copies. If the space is not adequate or you do not need everything, you may either pick a smaller number of copies to be kept in your Dropbox account at any given time or you can pick just certain Internet sites or databases to be backed up. With this feature you will be able to surf your data for up to 2 weeks back on your computer, which means more protection for any info that you have on the VPS. The service could be disabled with a mouse click at any time if you no longer need to use Dropbox for backups or if you use our backup feature, which is a component of the administration tasks included in the Managed Services upgrade.

Dropbox Backups in Dedicated Servers

You can easily link a Dropbox account to any one of our dedicated service as long as you get it with the in-house made Hepsia Control Panel. The setup is very simple and takes just several mouse clicks, so you will be able to have a copy of your content both on the Dropbox servers and on your computer the very same day you link the 2 accounts. If you do not have much space in Dropbox or you have lots of content on the dedicated server and you do not need all of it, you could select certain domain or subdomain folders and databases to be backed up as well as the amount of copies to be kept at one time. Our system is rather flexible, and so you can change the websites and the number of daily backups whenever you want. The Dropbox account can be disconnected at any time, so if you no longer would like to use the service or you have decided to use our in-house backup service in addition to all other administration tasks which we offer with our Managed Services upgrade, you'll be able to disable this function with only a click.